You go to the grocery store and fill up your cart with a month's worth of groceries.
well it looks like a month's worth
using your list and your carefully planned monthly menus.
as if yeah right, totally wingin' it on the menu
You *sigh* at the cash register as you surrender your $$$
Take it all home, put it away and feel a sense of accomplishment at once again providing
your family with sustenance ~
your family with sustenance ~
late at night looking in the fridge a little whiney voice says
"there's nothing to eat........"
and that little whiney voice is your own?
Yeah, me too.
Shelle over at BlokThoughts is hosting "Don't You Hate It When....." Monday November 17th. Go on over and check her out, and remember to VOTE on Tuesday. For the Don't You Hate It When Winner, not the Prez. Been there done that.
I feel your pain. That's why you have to go off the list and buy a special pint of Ben and Jerry's all for yourself and hide it in the freezer!
How many times I have done the same thing! That's because late at night I want junk food and that wasn't on that grocery list.
oh that is the same in my house. if there is not a lot of junk and sweets there is nothing good to eat. Too bad. I invite the girls to go shopping but they never come along.
LOL at your labels 1-800-pizza-hut
LMAO Me too!
I totally get that! You don't want to 'make' anything late at night and there are no leftovers. That sucks!
You forgot the all important snack isle! The land of a million calories and unwanted pounds.
I do this all the time. Sometimes (I hate to admit this) we go out to eat right after we put the groceries in the fridge.
OMG! Smack that little voice in the back of the head!!
I hear you!
Oh, yeah.
I totally have a solution....go grocery shopping late at night..you will be amazed at what you bring home!! :)
Coming over from Shelle's but we have alot of the same friends and SSS so now we are buds! Hi I'm kritta22
That is sooo me!
(I did read this before I voted, but had no time for comments - better late than never, right?)
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