Nothing nothing nothing could get my mom's head to spinning accompanied by the required flames-shooting-from-the-eyeballs-hair-on-fire spazz attack hissy fit she'd throw when one of her angels childrens would utter those Words of Doom....
"I was gonna........."( take out the trash/feed the dog/)you get the picture.....
"I was gonna........."( take out the trash/feed the dog/)you get the picture.....
Well. I was gonna had planned to get a whole buncha bloggy things written so I could just be a lazy well-organized blogger and just hit "Publish" when it was time to post something new...
Uh-huh. I was gonna get the living room painted. Right after the family room got finished (it's been 5-6-12 years since THAT project was started...) I did get a couple of things done on my long list of Things to Do Immediately ~ like add 28 1/2 sticky buns in equal proportions to my um er buns. My butt is so big and squishy all I need is some raisins and cinnamon to decorate it.

Thanks to all my bloggy friends that checked in periodically, it was nice to know that I have checker-inners friends out there!
January. A good month to hibernate eat cookies start over. Or at the very least get offa my butt and finish a project..this month's project was to make real food for dinner.
I strenuously object to schlepping to the grocery store, stuffing the cart full of the cheapest food possible (I always feel like the cavewoman hunting down and killing a week's worth of dinner) taking it home stuffing it in the fridge, taking something out of the fridge and cooking it. Blargh.
"Chicken? Again?"
Yep. I know, you're gonna sprout feathers. Anybody know how to make chicken taste like um well anything NOT chicken? Mr Sweetie (and millions of men everywhere) will thank you.
BTW the last time Mr. Sweetie was in the kitchen as an active participant was our first date....except for the one time that he made tuna casserole all by himself. For some reason the recipe called for flour. He grabbed the first plastic container with a white powdery substance in it and added it to the tuna glop.
no I wasn't home
no the white powdery stuff wasn't coke illegal.
It was confectioner's sugar.
I'm sure you'd rather hear what we cooked on our first date. Or how we met. you'd rather hear anything but what that tuna casserole tasted like. choke choke "it's not THAT bad honey" (gulp)
I'm so glad to HEAR from you!!! I know what you mean about WAY overdue PAINT projects. I know what you mean about chicken. I know what you mean about plans to make real dinners. I know I know I know!
Welcome back and Happy New Year!
I am right there with you on the squishy butt and making dinner- it's overrated. Welcome back
Well thank goodness your back!
Glad you're back! I'm still a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of blogger.
Eww... tuna casserole. Even with confectioner's sugar. Bless his little ole heart.
I've been blaming my ill fitting pants on my husband. He dries everything on high heat. I could've sworn the pants shrunk. Alas, the scale tells a different tale. I too have a sticky bun arse.
I was wondering where you were. And sweet tuna? Gross!!!!
goodness i have missed you!!! I have been at your online shop looking at barn stars cuz i missed you so much!
Glad your back
Glad you're back! Have missed you!
i have paint projects but it has been too dam cold inside the house to paint.
Good to see you back....and I was gonna do that same thing and stockpile blog didn't work for me either lol
YAY!!! She's back. Even if only for a minute.
Get your sticky buns up and get something done lady!!
I can't help you make chicken taste less like chicken, unless you cook it beyond all recognition, but that's just nasty. But that's mostly all we eat too. My hubby doesn't mind though. He likes it as much as I do - guess I'm lucky that way. Now if he would just help me wash a dish or two.
Welcome back........I get so excited when I see you post.......I know I am going to smile, giggle or laugh.......yikes, are we the only family that likes tuna casserole......hmmmm, maybe I should share the recipe that I use.....
Welcome back! We missed you!
Who are you again?
Welcome back! You've been missed!
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